Tuesday, April 24, 2007

D0H! Wins but Cubs! lose

Our volleyball team D0H! won 2/3 games last night. We played really well and it was nice having our full roster back on the court. For the past several weeks people have been on vacation or at conferences or going to opening day and missing games. When our team is full we are a pretty good set of players. We have one more week of regular games and the week following it's the playoffs. Our team usually plays pretty well in the playoffs but ends up losing in the first round. Maybe this is the year to turn it around and win the first round.

We got home last night and Jason went to check the Cubs score and was surprised to see that it was still going on. Another game into extra inning, a ton more Cubs left on bases and another Cubs loss. They are finding new and interesting (and by interesting I mean incredibly frustrating) ways to lose games. A Mr. Jason's head might just explode if they keep playing like this.

Today we have 4 miles but since some kids have Cubs tickets we are going to run around our neighborhood and meet up with Mike and Barb on Thursday this week instead. My legs are a bit tired from volleyball last night but nothing that should affect the running. It'll be time to bring the ice baths back. I almost did one on Sunday...but to do them I have to walk in the door and run the water and get in. If I sit for even one second I won't do it. So yes. Ice Baths, need to just do it.

Alright, just your normal Tuesday. Happy 2nd day of the week all.


Iron Jayhawk said...

MMmm...yeah. It was ugly. Wish we had been running instead.

Looking forward to Thursday :) Coach Leah needs to crack that whip...well...not too hard. But after the half, it's time to buckle down! :D

Ice baths are the devil, but well needed after long runs.

MNFirefly said...

Ice baths are awful. I can not stand them. Nice job on the win during volleyball.