Thursday, October 12, 2006

Preview of Winter

On the way into work this morning we had quite a bit of snow coming down. None of it has stuck however, but just a nice little preview of the next few months.

When I woke up to a "feels like" temperature of 30 degrees this morning I realized I am going to have to get my body used to being cold if we are going to be training for an early spring maraton. Of course you do get adjusted and soon enough 30 degrees doesnt' feel too bad, but I am going to have to make sure we have proper clothing/hydrating equipment (they turn off the water fountains on the lakefront path in the winter) to get through the winter months. It will be a very different experience as usually I run just enough to keep in shape, so we'll see what happens when there is a 20 mile run and it's 15 degrees outside.

No running today which is good since I only got a few hours of sleep due to a meeting this morning and a late night shift last night. Tomorrow it's 5 and then Sunday 12 and then it's only



yumke said...

Yeah, we have the same temp. in toronto that you have there. actually, as i check, it's a bit windier in chicago.. brrrrr...

MNFirefly said...

BRRRRRRRRRR! It's too cold!

Arcane said...

When it get's colder, you usually don't need as much water since you don't sweat as much. But the problem you run into is the water/gatorade freezing in your water bottle.