Tuesday, June 24, 2008

5, 1, 6.

This morning Jason and I woke up with the sun and drove down to the lakefront and did a 5 mile recoveryish run.

Then my dad came downstairs and he and I played tennis for 1 hour.

Then I came home and submitted my thesis officially. 6 years of work in 208 pages.

I'm so happy. It's been a long road with a few detours, but hot damn I'M DONE! Who knows what happens next, and there were times when I was so close to throwing in the towel, but I just kept thinking about this feeling of accomplishment. It's not everyone that gets a PhD in high energy physics, gets the opportunity to work at the biggest physics lab in the world, travel overseas for conferences, travel to Washington D.C. two years in a row to represent physics graduate students to their congresspeople and all the other cool shit that goes down in a PhD program....all before their 29th year. I mean it's going to be close...but I will be done with all this before that scary fucking age hits :-). Anyways. I will defend the thesis on July 31st and then it will really be done and a new page will be turned.

Today I have some work to do on some other stuff and my Dad, stepmom and I are going to try and get tickets to the Cubs game tonight. (Jason has a fancy dinner thing for work tonight).

So yep. June 24. A good one.


Undrunk Panda said...


Triseverance said...

Indeed congratulations on the completion of your Thesis. Welcome to the real world. Best of luck to you Leah with whatever follows.

Frank said...

congrats on submitting your thesis!!!!

Anonymous said...

yippie! nicely done cuz!