Thursday, August 16, 2007

Scary Photos

Remember in my race report, I mentioned that I felt like I was leaning really far backwards when I was finishing the race? I thought that it was all in "I felt that way" not "that's actually what I was doing". I just found the race photos online...and they are creeping me out. I look HORRIBLE. What's funny is that in some of the other picutres of the same time of the finish line, there is another guy that is leaning really far forward and looking about to fall...he was also in the medical tent...the medics must look for non-vertical people. Actually I just looked closer and he did fall after he crossed the line...yowza..anyways....

I'm in the pink shirt/black shorts....not good!


Thomas said...

What the ...

How did you manage not to fall backwards? I've never seen anything like this before.

Danny said...

It's like you were tying to finish a second or two SLOWER!

(BTW, I need a chiropractor just from looking at those pictures!)

ShoreTurtle said...

Those photos freaked me out too.

Laura said...

It's really NOT funny, but I just couldn't help but chuckle. You DO look like a cartoon character! I'm so glad that you're OK. That is super scary! Hope it cools down up there so you don't have to do any more runs in humid heat!

LeahC said...


yeah...I know. When I first saw them i was horrified, but now that that feeling passed and I can't help but think that I look like a cartoon character :-)

Colleen said...

WOW. I'm not sure how you managed to not fall backwards, but I'm glad that you didn't fall, and I'm glad you are ok after that finish!

Triseverance said...

Oh I don't like looking at those pictures. When you said you felt like you were leaning back, I thought you ment it felt like it. I am happy you are ok.

Jason said...

yeah, Bob, I thought the same thing. Imagine my surprise seeing the pictures.

Laurie said...

Yowsers. Those pics are really scary. We tend to forget how far we push pur bodies sometimes. Be careful out there!

MNFirefly said...

HOLY SHIT, Leah! That's some scary stuff. I am so glad that you are alright.

Anonymous said...

My wife loves reading your blog. Not many people can attest to running a half marathon that fast so great job. Hey. If running doesn't work out for you, at least you can be either a drum major or a limbo champ. ;P

Scott said...

Leah, as a physicist were you actually able to alter gravity so that you didn't fall backwwards?

Arcane said...

yeah that does look scary. Wow. Hopefully you've recovered okay.

lifestudent said...

Thats definitely one of the wierdest things I have ever seen. And its not just like you crossed the finish line like can see that you were like that for a while before the finish. So you were actually RUNNING like that! I think you might have super-hero powers or something...