Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Nice Dozen

We just got home from our weekly long run. Our weekly mileage this week came to 37 which I am thrilled about. I was very worried that we weren't going to be ready to get on that Pfitzinger boat since the mileage is so high, but we handled this week with no problems which is always nice to see.

(Jason says: Wheeeee!)

We have our car in the city and so we drove downtown so that we could start on the lakefront path and have the joy of not dodging lights for at least 4 miles of the run, and we kept some gatorade in the car for afterwards which was a nice treat. This morning was also the annual Bike the Drive (they open Lakeshore Drive for bikes only!) and it was fun to see that road filled with bikes instead of cars. We were talking about how cool it would be if it was always biked only...or maybe like on Friday's or something.

(Jason says: Go Bikes!!)

We started at Chicago Ave and after a few back and forths decided to run south instead of north. We both like the southside of the path a little bit better and today proved no different. It's so quiet down there, and they have done a lot of work to make it really beautiful. Right about where we turned around the path jets a bit east and so when we turned around we got a *spectacular* view of the city. It was really foggy this morning and so all the tops of the buildings were in the clouds, but it's just such a freakin' beautiful city. We are one up on everyone (yes including you NYC) in my opinion. sigh. my city. heart.

(Jason says: Go Chicago!!!)

This run proved no different than any run we have done in the past. Most of the miles were where they were supposed to be, the last 4 were low but not by far. I have been trying to do the last mile at or a bit under marathon pace. I don't know if this is harmful, but I like to remind my legs what that pace feels like. If it starts to bother my weekly runs I'll cut it out, but for now I like to get the legs moving.

The run looked like this :

(Jason says: Yay Graphs!!!!)

(Jason also says: Religion is the opiate of the masses)

(No, wait, that was Karl Marx)


(Go Cubs)

(Yeah, that sounds more like Jason)


Anonymous said...

the graphs are great!

Runner Susan said...

Hee, Karl Marx.

Ryan said...

YES! It must be marathon season since you're busting out the graphs! Great job - I like the FF (i.e. fast finish) strategy on these runs - so long as you're not dipping to far below MP. Save that kind of speed for the track.