Friday, January 19, 2007

Getting ready for the weekend


Okay, we tried this last year and things ended badly. Last year we had the same setup: Cubs Convention, Cubs Convention, Bears, Colts. It seemed like it would go down as the greatest sports weekend ever, but it ended up sad in the end.

This year, it should be even better. One of the writers for Goat Riders is staying with to take in the Cubs' festivities and, not only do we have playoff football, we have insane playoff football. It's the Bears and Colts playing for the Super Bowl. And, to top it off, the Colts are playing the hated Patriots. It's almost too much to handle.

So what will it be? GREATEST SPORTS WEEKEND EVER or The Weekend that Could Have Been. Whatever, I'm excited either way.

So, with our Canadian friends coming in to visit, I'm staying home to welcome them (and to clean) and Leah's at work (I suppose I got the better end of the deal). Tonight we're going to play a little Cubs bingo and then grab a few drinks with some fellow Cub bloggers and then tomorrow is the big day at the Convention with Q&A sessions and, of course, Mark Grace. Go Cubs.

So, if you happen to be at the Convention, look for us. We'll be the ones in the Cubs hats.

Go Cubs!!
Go Bears!!!
Go Colts !!!


Triseverance said...

Oh god what if we get a Colts Bears Super Bowl. What will that event be like in the Jason/Leah Household.

LeahC said...

ha! we have been talking about that since the start of football season....i think jason goes on a road trip to indiana?

Laurie said...

I hate when you get excited for a big weekend and it lets you down. I hope this is not a let down. Go Colts!

Frank said...

I miss Cubs bingo...I need to get back to the convention one of these years!

Josh Dysart said...

You forgot to mention one thing, KU is playing :) I know, I know you don't care. I'll be rooting for the Colts, so yes, "Go Colts!!!"

Lauren said...

Go Bears!


MNFirefly said...

OH wow, Jason! Sounds like lots of fun! Nothing exciting in the Land of 10,000 snow shovels. BOOOOOOOOORING stuff! Have fun this weekend! Can not wait for the details!

Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Please, please, please let the Colts win!  I hate the Patriots so much and I can't even tell you why.  To me they are not so much a team as they are an annoying pop phenomena that wont go away.

The New England Patriots are the Paris Hilton of football.

Come on, Colts!

As for the Bears, I plan on being drunk by the end of the first quarter.  That way, if Grossman gets butterfingers again, at least I'll be emotionally protected.  Safety is the name of the game in football.

Have fun at the Cubs convention!  Will it be like a Star Trek convention?  Will people be dressed up as their favorite player or bleacher bum?

Anonymous said...

The Chicago Bears are going to the Super Bowl.