Thursday, January 04, 2007

Recovery, Sleeping Late (already), the Capitol

Yesterday we left work a bit early (but we were there at 6:30 so leaving at 1:30 isn't tooooo bad) so that we could hit up the laundromat before it got crowded with the after work crowd. Well it was still very crowded but we were able to do our...oh i don't know....15 loads of laundry (it's been awhile) in about 2.5 hours.

After the laundry we headed out for a 4 mile recovery run which was done probably a bit too fast, but since the 10 miles on Tuesday was a bit slow I figured it all come out in the wash. It was a nice run too, legs felt pretty good and the breathing was fine and I'm looking forward to our 11 mile run tonight.

I stayed up too late watching the ND I didn't get up at 5am. Oh well....2 days in a row is still good. We still got out of our apartment in 45 minutes which has been our goal in the morning.

In VERY good news, I am going to be able to go to Washington D.C. in March. I went on this trip last year and was asked to go again by our Users Executive Commitee. I think Jason will be joining me this year since there was enough downtime that we could hang out together. To save money I am going to get my crazy on and I think we'll drive out there and then I can get the credit from my flight which would pay for the gas/ we might be able to visit Jason's brother (ok we REALLY just want to see the baby.....). We are both interested in perhaps getting into science policy so maybe we can meet with some people while we are there as well. Why is this so crazy? I get back at 8pm from the Bahamas on a Sunday and need to be in Washington by Monday eveningish. Drive On.


Laurie said...

15 loads!?! How do you get that amount of clothing to the laundromat?

Have fun with the crazy Bahamas/DC travel schedule. I would fly if it were me. But you two are hardcore and will have fun driving.

LeahC said...

ah, yes i would love to fly....but as cash free as we are these days if we can both get there for the price of one we'll take that :-)

as for the laundry..lots of laundry bags, and hampers and then getting it done in 3 - 5 loaders (although one of them wasn't filled all the way)

Joe said...

15 loads of laundry? Yikes! Was there any really ripe running wear in there?

LeahC said...

well the running hasn't been brilliant and we have lots of running not TOO bad...not great but not bad :-)

Jason said...

Correction - we had four five loaders, one of which wasn't quite full. So, 15+ loads.

Hey, we dirty alot of clothes switching between running and living. That and the fact that I'll only wear an item of clothing for a maximum of one hour.

Iron Jayhawk said...

That's one heck of a drive you're looking at lady!! But road trips are usually a good time! :)

Ooooh...we could road trip to Kansas for Brew to Brew...good times!

MNFirefly said...

Wow! That's alot of laundry. My sympathies with ND though.

Arcane said...

I had the same thought, 15 loads? Thanks for the info on the running times magazine.