Thursday, June 28, 2007


That's how my programming is going today. What the hell is going on?


Running yesterday was a nice 5 mile recovery. Tonight it's 10 miles and some Jayhawk fun.

Frustrating day at work obviosuly.....but in exciting news from my better half.....Jason got the go ahead to get any job he finds starting now! As long as the company is ok with him not having PhD in hand (paper work still needs to be done) our advisor is ok with him getting a job before he's officially finished. Wheeee.


Scott said...

You're so funny. I can just see you sitting there looking at your screen which is telling you for the kabillionth time that something is not a number. Tell me you told the computer OUT LOUD that its mother was not a number! LOL

Hang in...

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is so exciting - Congrats Jason! Leah I hope you had a fun evening and your day was better.
Good look at the Taste Run.

Iron Jayhawk said...

Eeeeep!! I can't wait to hear how the job search goes!!!!

MNFirefly said...

Congrads, Jason. That's awesome!

Laura said...

Leah, this is weird, but by reading your blog I feel we are somewhat similar. I'm the girl who emailed you about running Chicago for her first marathon coming up. I just had to write in and say I would TOTALLY say 'Your mom's not a number' in frustration to a computer too! My best college friends and I had a blast with all the 'your mom - oooooo' jokes - you really need to meet my friend Martha who also lives in Chicago and is getting her PhD at Northwestern. She's running the marathon too! :)