Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Feeling Good, End Date and Belly Pictures!

So I'm feeling pretty good these days, I mean not good in the sense that I feel the baby is going to come out. But rather that I feel exactly perfect like the baby isn't moving anywhere uncomfortable.

Doctors appointment today went really well. Had an ultrasound and everything looked great, another NST and although Lucy started off sleeping soundly she woke up and passed. I'm still only 1cm dilated though which isn't awesome. I got the go ahead to head to Thanksgiving dinner but just to watch how much salt I eat. IT'S THANKSGIVING. LEAVE ME ALONE. Although....my blood pressure was 118/84 which is the lowest it's been all year. I also dropped some weight so goes to show that I was probably retaining some water. I've been drinking a ton of water this week and really watching the salt so apparently it helps. We asked what is going to happen if Lucy doesn't greet us on her own and we found out that I would be induced on December 7th. So we got that going for us. Anything that happens, the baby will be here in less than 2 weeks. Which is exciting to think about.

Here is what I look like now. A nice normal picture and then me being a little wacky, cause really when you are carrying around a basketball under your shirt you can't help but be a little wacky.

Today is a pretty lazy day for me. We are getting some firewood delivered this afternoon and I'm just reading (currently reading Dracula which is good although been slow going), knitting, doing some things with photos. Tomorrow I have a lot of errands to run which my Dad is going to join me on, and then that's it. My doctor is on call Thursday and Friday so maybe I'll go into labor at Thanksgiving and get to have my doc be there to deliver. I hope so! Maybe enough Turkery will push her right out.



runningtwig said...

Good luck with these last few days!

Undrunk Panda said...

I think she'll come before the 2 weeks. As stated, I keep dreaming about having babies. I'm obviously nowhere near pregnant, so I think she's on her way!

I LOVE Dracula. I've read it twice for college classes. You should also read Frankenstein if you haven't already.

lifestudent said...

You look great ... and you will meet her before you know it ;)

Anonymous said...

I hope she gets here soon. You look great.

Laura said...

You really do look like you just have a basketball under your shirt. Hope she comes soon!

My good friend is waiting for the same thing - arrival of her daughter. Neither of your girls graced us with their presence on my birthday, unfortunately. ;)