Monday, August 18, 2008

What's Up!

That's's probably going to look a little crazy around these parts as I attempt to take somethings I have learned at work and apply it here in my tiny corner of the web. I'm guessing every time you come here things will look different :-) Thanks for the patience. 

Oh ... blog update. Ran 5 miles yesterday although ended it with a screaming headache, gave us 12 miles on the week. 

Had a great weekend with the Obtiva family outing on one of the boats on lake Michigan...had a crazy busy Sunday as we had tons to do and got through lots of packing. We are moving in 13 days (!!!) which is uber exciting. 

That's all for now!

1 comment:

MNFirefly said...

I can relate the crazy packing. It's totally insane. Take it one day at a time.