Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quiet Around These Parts

Yikes. It's been awhile.

I have been keeping myself busying with my photoblog, traveling, work, preparing to go travel...and travel :).

Tomorrow Jason and I are going to Zurich to visit some of our best friends from graduate school. We haven't seen them for about two years I think and so we are really looking forward to seeing them. Bonus that we get to see them in in Europe. We are also going to go to CERN (in Geneva) to visit some of our friends from our Fermilab days as they have gotten positions working on the new detector there.

We've been running on and off and found a perfect 3 mile loop that goes around the neighborhood that takes advantage of running around the neighborhood, the lakefront path, around know all the high points.

I suspect that when we get back from this trip we are going to tighten our belts and budgets and calm down a bit. Alright, that's all from here. I will update this with stories and pictures from Zurich when I get the chance!


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Now how hard is it to resist pushing a random button at the LHC? :-)

MNFirefly said...

Looking forward to the pics from Zurich.

MNFirefly said...

Looking forward to the pics from Zurich.