Thursday, October 04, 2007

I Just You Just Have to Laugh?

From Tom Skilling :

Well that's it kids. My favorite part is that the highs might exceed the record that has stood for 6 decades.

86 degrees....ok so say in the morning, about 10 degrees 76 degrees.

hmm...well yeah. that pretty much sucks.

My new game plan is to try and just stick with the 3:40 pacers....and see what happens. I think I am in shape for somewhere between 3:30-3:35....but not in that kind of weather. Hell, I don't actually think I trained to do a 3:40 in that weather. I'm not trying to be not positive, but realistic. That temperature is about 30 degrees too warm. Given what happened during the warm (read : fucking hotter than hell) Chicago Distance Classic 1/2 marathon, I think my fears are grounded. I'm afraid of dehydrating and ending up in the medical tent...or dead.

oh yeah...and work stuff...please. Busier than I have ever been in my life. Perfect.

***editors note...the title should have been "I Guess You Just..." ...must have been a bit out of it when I wrote it***


Thomas said...

Hey, just stop worrying about the weather. It might never happen.

If worse comes to worse, re-adjust your time goals, and run a smart race. But don't waste your time now worrying what might be 3 days from now.

Thomas said...

Oh, and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you good luck on Sunday! I have been following your blog while training for Chicago too and it has really inspired me. I ran the CDC too, so of course I am also freaking out about the weather. Whatever the weather turns out to be on Sunday morning, have confidence in your training and listen to your body. I'll be rooting for you to get that BQ!!! :)

Laura said...

Leah, have you ever used salt tablets before? If you have, take two before you start and that will help ward off the dehydration. If you haven't, just drink more of that disgusting sooped-up Gatorade they are providing. I can't do Gatorade when I run, so salt tablets it is for me!

And GOOD LUCK on Sunday. You still have a chance - don't give up before you've started the race!

1334SouthWabash said...

The weather forecast has me so depressed. I'm trying to accept that it is what it is, but after training so hard for so many months it sucks that the weather is going to slow me down. How the hell do we go from one extreme in 2006 to the complete opposite extreme in 2007?

Scott said...

Leah maybe you could run the ENTIRE MARATHON leaning backwards like you did at the end of the half marathon. I bet that would make people forget the juggling guy!